Prof. Dr. Hansjörg HOHR
Hohris professor in philosophy of education at the Univerisity of Oslo, Department of Education, Norway, since 2012. He was professor in education at the Norwegian University of Technology and Science in Trondheim in the years 1997-2011, associate professor at the College of Education in Sør-Trøndelag, Trondheim 1991-1997. He also held positions at the College of Education in Tromsø and at the University of Tromsø.
He studied at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, education, psychology and philosophy, and graduatedat the University of Osloin 1980.
He teaches and supervises in philosophy of education and qualitative method on all levels.His main research interest lies within aesthetic education with emphasis on fairy tales and play.He publishes extensively in German, English and Norwegain.
Hohr has been born in 1949 in Bruneck/Italy and attended primary and secondary school there.
Recent publications:
Hohr, Hansjörg (2017). Erfahrungstheoretische Begründung ästhetischer Erziehung. Wien: LIT-Verlag.
Hohr, Hansjörg (2016).Mot til livet od lyst på verden – eventyrets moralske prosjekt.. I: M. Øksnes og E. Sundsdal (red.). Barndom i barnehagen: Læring(s. 73-94). Cappelen Damm Akademisk. UiO.
Hohr, Hansjörg (2016). Erfaring som menneskets måte å være på. I: O. A. Kvamme, T. Kvernbekk, T. Strand (red.), Pedagogiske fenomener. En innføring (s. 98-105). Cappelen Damm Akademisk. UiO.
Hohr, Hansjörg (2016). Oppdragelse – noen grunnleggende mønstre.. I: O. A. Kvamme, T. Kvernbekk, T. Strand (red.),Pedagogiske fenomener. En innføring(s. 32-46). Cappelen Damm Akademisk. UiO.
Hohr, Hansjörg (2016). Oppdragelse som moralsk oppgave. I: O. A. Kvamme, T. Kvernbekk, T. Strand (red.),Pedagogiske fenomener. En innføring(s. 127-136). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.UiO.
Hohr, Hansjörg (2015).Oppdragelsen til verdensborgerskap i kunstnerisk perspektiv. Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 4 (2), 54-67.
Hohr, Hansjörg (2015).Estetisk oppdragelse og kunst. Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk & kritikk1, 1-11.
Hohr, Hansjörg (2013). Normativity in Fairy Tales: Scope, Range and Modes of Communication. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 57(6), 600-611.
Hohr, Hansjörg (2013). Den estetiske erkjennelsen. I Anna-Lena Østern, Geir Stavik-Karlsen, Elin Angelo (red.), Kunstpedagogikk og kunnskapsutvikling. Oslo, Trondheim: Universitetsforlaget, s. 219-233.Hohr, Hansjörg (2013).Schiller. Danning som forsoning mellom følelse og fornuft. I Ingerid Straume (red.),Danningens filosofihistorie. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, s. 160-170.
Hohr, Hansjörg (2013). The Concept of Experience by John Dewey Revisited: Conceiving, Feeling and “Enliving”. Studies in Philosophy and Education, Volume 32 (1), pp. 25-38.
Hohr, Hansjörg (2012). Aesthetic quality in scientific experience. The problem of reference in John Dewey’s aesthetics. Nordic Studies in Education,Volume 32(3),pp. 196-208.
Hohr, Hansjörg (2012). Das Märchen – zwischen Kunst, Mythos und Spiel. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.